FACEBOOK and Twitter have launched applications for Google glasses as developers rushed to learn more about tailoring software for the internet-linked eyewear yet to hit the market.

"Built by Facebook, this app allows you to upload photos from Google Glass directly to your Facebook timeline," Erick Tseng, head of mobile products at the social network, said in a message posted from the Google developers conference.
"You can also add an optional photo description, just by speaking it."
Tseng's Facebook page displayed an image evidently taken in a packed Glass session at the gathering and was tagged as the first public post to the social network using the application built for the eyewear.
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/business/breaking-news/facebook-twitter-jump-on-google-glasses/story-e6frfkur-1226644957699#ixzz2TYBrVZLQ
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