Thursday, March 13, 2025

Saturday, July 28, 2012


The life and times of a superstar heroine from the dream factory we call "bollywood". The film is a daring,shocking,glamorous & scandalous behind the scenes account of the reality behind the world of glitz and glamour that our film stars inhabit.the film takes audiences on a voyeuristic journey to see what goes on behind the closed doors of makeup rooms and vanity will give them a chance to go beyond the gorgeous smiles and politically correct quotes, to see what really happens in the lives of india's sweethearts- the bitching & the politics, the secrets & the lies, the incredible highs of fame and the lonely depth of failure.

Contemporary Kitchen design by Other Metros Interior Designer Meade Design Group


Contemporary Bedroom design byLinda Burkhardt


Traditional Bathroom design by Denver Modern, Modern Living Room design by Austin


Contemporary Bedroom design by "Linda Burkhardt",Traditional Kitchen design by Toronto Interior Designer Jane Lockhart Interior Design ,Traditional Bathroom design by Denver Interior Designer Chalet


Modern Bathroom design by Boston "Interior Designer" "Rachel Reider" Interiors


contemporary living room photos:by Meade Design Group


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Australian hurdler Michelle Jenneke turns Internet sensation‎


Michelle Jenneke's Hot Warm-up Barcelona

Nineteen year old Michelle Jenneke representing Australia in the 100 meter hurdles during the 2012 World Junior Championships in Barcelona...with interpretive dance.

ANDY ALLEN IS MASTERCHEF WINNER 2012 : "Australia Masterchef Winner 2012": "ANDY ALLEN"

Andy Allen is the Masterchef winner for 2012.

 Allen, son of East Maitland couple Peter and Maree Allen, said his parents were the inspiration for his cooking.

 Allen, 24, lived with his mum and dad until he entered the MasterChef house.

 ‘‘The hardest thing about living in the house is a combination of two things,’’ he said.

 ‘‘Being away from the things I miss like basketball and socialising. The other thing I miss is my friends and family.’’

The epic finale involved three rounds of challenges, a sudden death of 100 entries which knocked Audra out of the competition, followed by a main course and then a dessert course challenge, fought out between Julia and Andy.

In the end, the final score saw Andy win with 76 points out of 100, Julia with 68 out of 100. Andy wins $100,000, a book deal and a chance to gain work experience in some of Australia’s top restaurants.

Source: Channel 10 Media Release.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Photography by:By: Camilo Margelí


The Dark Knight Rises: Jessica Redfield blog post :Late Night Thoughts on the Eaton Center Shooting


Late Night Thoughts on the Eaton Center Shooting

I can’t get this odd feeling out of my chest. This empty, almost sickening feeling won’t go away. I noticed this feeling when I was in the Eaton Center in Toronto just seconds before someone opened fire in the food court. An odd feeling which led me to go outside and unknowingly out of harm‘s way. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around how a weird feeling saved me from being in the middle of a deadly shooting.
What started off as a trip to the mall to get sushi and shop, ended up as a day that has forever changed my life. I was on a mission to eat sushi that day, and when I’m on a mission, nothing will deter me. When I arrived at the Eaton Center mall, I walked down to the food court and spotted a sushi restaurant. Instead of walking in, sitting down and enjoying sushi, I changed my mind, which is very unlike me, and decided that a greasy burger and poutine would do the trick. I rushed through my dinner. I found out after seeing a map of the scene, that minutes later a man was standing in the same spot I just ate at and opened fire in the food court full of people. Had I had sushi, I would’ve been in the same place where one of the victims was found.
My receipt shows my purchase was made at 6:20 pm. After that purchase I said I felt funny. It wasn’t the kind of funny you feel after spending money you know you shouldn’t have spent. It was almost a panicky feeling that left my chest feeling like something was missing. A feeling that was overwhelming enough to lead me to head outside in the rain to get fresh air instead of continuing back into the food court to go shopping at SportChek. The gunshots rung out at 6:23. Had I not gone outside, I would’ve been in the midst of gunfire.
I walked around the outside of the mall. People started funneling out of every exit. When I got back to the front, I saw a police car, an ambulance, and a fire truck. I initially thought that maybe the street performer that was drumming there earlier had a heart attack or something. But more and more police officers, ambulances, and fire trucks started showing up. Something terrible has happened. I overheard a panicked guy say, “There was a shooting in the food court.” I thought that there was no way, I was just down there. I asked him what happened. He said “Some guy just opened fire. Shot about 8 shots. It sounded like balloons popping. The guy is still on the loose.” I’m not sure what made me stick around at this point instead of running as far away from the mall as possible. Shock? Curiosity? Human nature? Who knows.
Standing there in the midst of the chaos all around us, police started yelling to get back and make room. I saw a young shirtless boy, writhing on a stretcher, with his face and head covered by the EMS as they rushed him by us to get him into an ambulance. The moment was surprisingly calm. The EMTs helping the boy weren’t yelling orders and no one was screaming like a night time medical drama. It was as if it was one swift movement to get the boy out of the mall and into the ambulance. That’s when it really hit me. I felt nauseas. Who would go into a mall full of thousands of innocent people and open fire? Is this really the world we live in?
Police start yelling again “GET BACK NOW!” Another stretcher came rushing out of the mall. I saw a man on a stretcher, the blanket underneath him spotted with blood. Multiple gunshot holes in his chest, side, and neck were visible. It’s not like in the movies when you see someone shot and they’re bleeding continuously from the wound. There was no blood flowing from the wounds, I could only see the holes. Numerous gaping holes, as if his skin was putty and someone stuck their finger in it. Except these wounds were caused by bullets. Bullets shot out of hatred. His dark skin on his torso was tinted red with what I assume was his own blood. He was rushed into the ambulance and taken away.
More people joined the crowd at the scene and asked what happened. “There was a shooting in the food court,” kept being whispered through the crowd like a game of telephone. I was standing near a security guard when I heard him say over his walkie talkie, “One fatality.” At this point I was convinced I was going to throw up. I’m not an EMT or a police officer. I’m not trained to handle crime and murder. Gun crimes are fairly common where I grew up in Texas, but I never imagined I’d experience a violent crime first hand. I’m on vacation and wanted to eat and go shopping. Everyone else at the mall probably wanted the same thing. I doubt anyone left for the mall imagined they witness a shooting.
I was shown how fragile life was on Saturday. I saw the terror on bystanders’ faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don’t know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath. For one man, it was in the middle of a busy food court on a Saturday evening.
I say all the time that every moment we have to live our life is a blessing. So often I have found myself taking it for granted. Every hug from a family member. Every laugh we share with friends. Even the times of solitude are all blessings. Every second of every day is a gift. After Saturday evening, I know I truly understand how blessed I am for each second I am given.
I feel like I am overreacting about what I experienced. But I can’t help but be thankful for whatever caused me to make the choices that I made that day. My mind keeps replaying what I saw over in my head. I hope the victims make a full recovery. I wish I could shake this odd feeling from my chest. The feeling that’s reminding me how blessed I am. The same feeling that made me leave the Eaton Center. The feeling that may have potentially saved my life.

Jessica Redfield Blog :A Run On of Thoughts

Its so hard to believe that she is actually not there any more...a movie she was so exited to see she never watched it ...!! She would have never thought while waiting for the movie to start that she will not walk out of that theater alive...!! Her death sound more like a scene from a final destination epic ...then a reality..!! its a bitter truth that she has actually left this world...a world she loved , a world she wanted to explore like millions others like is so unpredictable anything can happen to you any time of the day, any moment..!! every time I go on her blog i feel for some reason that she will share her experience of horrifying encounter she had there ....that she will post another post telling us how horrified she was in that theater..... how she survived..!!
She was a Beautiful soul...god bless her soul in Heaven. 

I am sharing a post from her blog which she wrote after the Eaton Center Shooting Escape..!!

Late Night Thoughts on the Eaton Center Shooting

I can’t get this odd feeling out of my chest. This empty, almost sickening feeling won’t go away. I noticed this feeling when I was in the Eaton Center in Toronto just seconds before someone opened fire in the food court. An odd feeling which led me to go outside and unknowingly out of harm‘s way. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around how a weird feeling saved me from being in the middle of a deadly shooting.
What started off as a trip to the mall to get sushi and shop, ended up as a day that has forever changed my life. I was on a mission to eat sushi that day, and when I’m on a mission, nothing will deter me. When I arrived at the Eaton Center mall, I walked down to the food court and spotted a sushi restaurant. Instead of walking in, sitting down and enjoying sushi, I changed my mind, which is very unlike me, and decided that a greasy burger and poutine would do the trick. I rushed through my dinner. I found out after seeing a map of the scene, that minutes later a man was standing in the same spot I just ate at and opened fire in the food court full of people. Had I had sushi, I would’ve been in the same place where one of the victims was found.
My receipt shows my purchase was made at 6:20 pm. After that purchase I said I felt funny. It wasn’t the kind of funny you feel after spending money you know you shouldn’t have spent. It was almost a panicky feeling that left my chest feeling like something was missing. A feeling that was overwhelming enough to lead me to head outside in the rain to get fresh air instead of continuing back into the food court to go shopping at SportChek. The gunshots rung out at 6:23. Had I not gone outside, I would’ve been in the midst of gunfire.
I walked around the outside of the mall. People started funneling out of every exit. When I got back to the front, I saw a police car, an ambulance, and a fire truck. I initially thought that maybe the street performer that was drumming there earlier had a heart attack or something. But more and more police officers, ambulances, and fire trucks started showing up. Something terrible has happened. I overheard a panicked guy say, “There was a shooting in the food court.” I thought that there was no way, I was just down there. I asked him what happened. He said “Some guy just opened fire. Shot about 8 shots. It sounded like balloons popping. The guy is still on the loose.” I’m not sure what made me stick around at this point instead of running as far away from the mall as possible. Shock? Curiosity? Human nature? Who knows.
Standing there in the midst of the chaos all around us, police started yelling to get back and make room. I saw a young shirtless boy, writhing on a stretcher, with his face and head covered by the EMS as they rushed him by us to get him into an ambulance. The moment was surprisingly calm. The EMTs helping the boy weren’t yelling orders and no one was screaming like a night time medical drama. It was as if it was one swift movement to get the boy out of the mall and into the ambulance. That’s when it really hit me. I felt nauseas. Who would go into a mall full of thousands of innocent people and open fire? Is this really the world we live in?
Police start yelling again “GET BACK NOW!” Another stretcher came rushing out of the mall. I saw a man on a stretcher, the blanket underneath him spotted with blood. Multiple gunshot holes in his chest, side, and neck were visible. It’s not like in the movies when you see someone shot and they’re bleeding continuously from the wound. There was no blood flowing from the wounds, I could only see the holes. Numerous gaping holes, as if his skin was putty and someone stuck their finger in it. Except these wounds were caused by bullets. Bullets shot out of hatred. His dark skin on his torso was tinted red with what I assume was his own blood. He was rushed into the ambulance and taken away.
More people joined the crowd at the scene and asked what happened. “There was a shooting in the food court,” kept being whispered through the crowd like a game of telephone. I was standing near a security guard when I heard him say over his walkie talkie, “One fatality.” At this point I was convinced I was going to throw up. I’m not an EMT or a police officer. I’m not trained to handle crime and murder. Gun crimes are fairly common where I grew up in Texas, but I never imagined I’d experience a violent crime first hand. I’m on vacation and wanted to eat and go shopping. Everyone else at the mall probably wanted the same thing. I doubt anyone left for the mall imagined they witness a shooting.
I was shown how fragile life was on Saturday. I saw the terror on bystanders’ faces. I saw the victims of a senseless crime. I saw lives change. I was reminded that we don’t know when or where our time on Earth will end. When or where we will breathe our last breath. For one man, it was in the middle of a busy food court on a Saturday evening.
I say all the time that every moment we have to live our life is a blessing. So often I have found myself taking it for granted. Every hug from a family member. Every laugh we share with friends. Even the times of solitude are all blessings. Every second of every day is a gift. After Saturday evening, I know I truly understand how blessed I am for each second I am given.
I feel like I am overreacting about what I experienced. But I can’t help but be thankful for whatever caused me to make the choices that I made that day. My mind keeps replaying what I saw over in my head. I hope the victims make a full recovery. I wish I could shake this odd feeling from my chest. The feeling that’s reminding me how blessed I am. The same feeling that made me leave the Eaton Center. The feeling that may have potentially saved my life.

Monday, July 23, 2012

"Jay Meloff", Jessica Redfield pictures, Jessica Redfield boyfried Jay Meloff talk about heart breaking.

Talk about heart-breaking!

As we discussed Friday, Jessica Redfield was one of the first identified in the twelve murdered during the disturbing Colorado shooting spree.
Ever since the news hit, professional hockey-playing boyfriend Jay Meloff has been letting the world know just how wonderful she was. Getting #RIPJessica to trend on Twitter, Jay says:

"Every experience in life was amplified beyond my wildest dreams with [Jessica]. She was the most wonderful and beautiful person I've ever been lucky enough to know and share life's offerings with. She loved Tweeting and loved Twitter. Please send out a Tweet for her. #RIPJessica. She was just so funny and witty, she didn't miss a beat. We wanted our future together."

Though he lived away from her at the time of death, he planned on moving to Denver soon.
The couple met during a Skype interview. Jessica, who was an aspiring sportscaster, was working on a project and they just clicked.
It's a tragedy knowing they'll never be able to fulfill their future together. Our thoughts are with you, Jay…
[Image courtesy of Jay Meloff.]

Alex sullivan,alex teves,alexander j.boik,gordon Cowden,jesse childress,jessica ghawi,john larimer,jonathan blunk,matt mcquinn,micayla medek,vebecca wingo,Veronica Moser-sullivan


During the attack, Holmes set off gas canisters and used the military-style semiautomatic rifle, a shotgun and a pistol to open fire on the unsuspecting theater-goers, Oates said.

"Alex Sullivan" was celebrating his 27th birthday at midnight showing

 — A U.S. Navy veteran who served three tours of duty in the Middle East. A 6-year-old girl excited about her swimming classes. A Target employee who shielded his girlfriend and her brother with his own body. They and nine others were killed in the shooting rampage during a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" in a Denver suburb.

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