Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Change your Destiny :By Alfredo Karras


Change your Destiny Wisdom to help you know how to be in this world By Alfredo Karras Every person sets his or her destiny.

 This I am sure about. Nothing happens by chance. You make a plan and decide to make it happen. Your mind is a powerful magnet that will attract to you the things you identify yourself with. If you have sad thoughts, you will attract tragedies. If you are a good man, you will attract the company of good people. The stronger your will, the clearer and more defined your goals will be and the greater the ‘coincidences’ that will appear in front of you, helping you get where you wish – Heaven or hell.

 You decide what you want. If a man writes perfectly, but does not know a lot about calculations, is he handicapped compared to an eminent mathematician? And the mathematician is handicapped compared to the scribbler? Is a swordsman handicapped because he cannot sing? Is a man handicapped for not having wings to fly or gills to breathe under water? We are responsible for each action, each word, each thought. Nobody can escape from this responsibility. Our words, deeds and thoughts have an effect and that effect may be short-term or longterm but be sure, there are consequences and we must deal with those consequences.

Be good. But do not be good only to those who please you; be good to everyone who exists. This is for your own welfare. If you have bad feelings in your heart, you are vulnerable to evil and suffering. But, if there are only good things in your heart, the bad things that people wish you or put in your path will merely bounce off such a wall of good and will reflect back to the one who wished it to you. Your only protection from what is evil is being good.

 If we know why we are suffering it is easier to bear the suffering. But if you don’t know the reason you can only count on one thing to withstand the suffering: self-strength. It may be more difficult, but this way your spirit gets stronger, becomes totally serene and dominates all the passions. You learn the lessons that the suffering has to teach. It is more difficult, but it is better not to know the reason. Superior are those who, with best intentions, serve their brothers. Inferior are those who, by the power of the sword and the word, make others serve them. Happier and blessed is the one who gives, not the one who receives.

 Real power is not being tied to the things of this world. Thirst for the things of this world is insatiable and turns into agony because it can never be satisfied. The happiness that comes from wealth and disposing of lives is dull and short-lived; it is frequently threatened by usurpers, betrayers, diseases and finally death. But the person who knows that power is made of light and does not wish to be anything but life in all its prime, finds all the wealth in existence: love, friendship and peace. And so that person is happy, because not even death can take these things from him. And this is the greatest power one can wish.

 Instead of surrounding yourself with two hundred smarmy people, surround yourself with two friends who appreciate you for who you are, independently of what you own. Two hundred smarmy people will abandon you when you most need them, but two friends will be your legitimate army.

 Can’t you see that the dream that sprouts in your hearts is your mission on Earth. Live. Evolve. Don’t be afraid of learning. Many of you have got dreams, but do not have the courage to follow them.

 Brazilian author Alfredo Karras’s first novel ‘Be’ has been published by Smink Works Books. Imagine if you knew how to change your destiny. Now you can. Following the orders of his King, knight Henrique sets out to ruin many lives and conquer riches, wielding lies and violence to achieve his aims. But these plans eventually fall apart and this cruel knight is forced to face the truths of life. And so his powerful journey begins.

Important revelations about human existence see Henrique embark on a path where he shares his knowledge about how to ‘be’ in this world.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Real Friends


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The new shooping site :Australias first Shooping Centre:

I came across this news of upcoming website for online shopping from our  Local NSW Mx Newspaper will be the first of its kind for Australia `s ....more then 200  Big stores will be participating.

Northern Beaches teenager Alex Danieli is putting the final touches on his 360 mall.

the official website for MALL is starting from 1 October for shopping.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Akanksha suicide: Family to release posters of accused

The parents of deceased Akanksha Malhotra (30), an Apeejay school teacher, who had committed suicide and had alleged that was being tortured by her in-laws, came up with the posters of three accused who are on the run, mentioning them as wanted by police, which they plan to put up across the city.

We have got the posters printed of three absconding accused - father in-law, Sudhir Malhotra, mother in-law, Renu Malhotra and sister in-law, Kanika Malhotra - and urged people to inform about them". said, father of Akanksha, Subhash Padam.
He further said that as the cops have failed to arrest the rest of the accused, it was important to put pressure on the police administration so that they can speed up the search operation to nab the culprits. "The posters will be pasted at different locations in Jalandhar on Saturday with the help of school students."


Miss China Yu Wenxia won the Miss World 2012 contest held this year in China’s northern city of Ordos located in the center of the large Chinese region Inner Mongolia, according to AFP
When asked about why she could be given the title, Yu replied:  “When I was young I felt very lucky because so many people helped me, and I hope in the future I can help more children to feel lucky,” 

7,000 "Syrian refugees" massed at "Turkish border"

Some 7,000 Syrian refugees have massed on the border with Turkey, waiting for more camps to be set up to accommodate those fleeing the fighting in Syria, a Turkish diplomat told AFP on Monday.

"5,000 refugees are waiting on Syrian side of the Oncupinar border crossing in Kilis province and 2,000 others at Reyhanli in Hatay province," said the diplomat speaking on condition of anonymity.

Turkey is home to more than 80,000 refugees staying in camps along the border but the existing camps are not adequate to shelter an influx of refugees fleeing the fighting in Syria.

"Neil armstrong" "Life In Pictures"

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, has died at the age of 82, after suffering complications from heart surgery. Earlier this month, the former NASA astronaut had undergone heart surgery.
According to NBC News, the Armstrong family wrote in a statement: “Next time you walk outside on clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil and give him a wink.”

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the Moon, died on Saturday.

Neil Armstrong is dead at 82. Cause of death for Neil Armstrong is listed as complications from recent heart operations, officials indicate Saturday.

Mr Armstrong and David R. Scott arrive at Complex 19 for a simulated test in preparation for flight in 1966.

Armstrong's unlikely path to the moon began in Wapakoneta, Ohio, where his fascination with flying led him to work at a nearby airport when he was a teenager. He received his pilot's licence on his 16th birthday and went on to study aeronautical engineering.

As a US Naval Aviator, he flew 78 missions in the Korean War and later piloted more than 200 different models of pioneering aircraft as a test pilot.
He became an astronaut in 1962 and always modestly attributed his status as first man on the moon to chance.
"I wasn't chosen to be first," he said "I was just chosen to command that flight."
But Nasa had chosen him for good reason. When Eagle, the Apollo 11 lunar module, made its perilous descent to the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969, it was the extraordinary skill of Armstrong, then aged 38, that averted disaster.
As the tiny craft skated over lethal boulder fields and steep-walled craters, its fuel tanks emptying, Armstrong and fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin realised they were miles from the planned landing spot.
Without breaking a sweat, Armstrong found a flattish patch of ground and put them down with only seconds of fuel left.
Armstrong also maintained to the end that his famous first words from the moon were misquoted.
Hundreds of millions of people on Earth heard him say "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," but the astronaut said he had spoken the words "a man."
Decades later, in 2006, a computer analysis found evidence that he was right, and the world was wrong. Nasa backed its hero, saying: "If Neil Armstrong says there was an 'a,' then as far as we're concerned, there was an 'a'."

"iPad mini" :Apple launches new gadgets


APPLE'S next-generation iPhone and its so-called "iPad mini" will debut at two separate US events, rather than a single one as has been widely speculated, according to several sources.
First comes the latest iteration of the tech giant's hugely popular smartphone, which will be unveiled at an as-yet-unannounced event on September 12.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Prince Harry’s focus: Princess Diana, his mother’s death 15 years ago


On August 24, 2012, exactly one week before the 15-year anniversary of Prince Harry’s mother’s death, The Sun has become the first British newspaper to publish naked photos of Prince Harry”.
The Telegraph reports that The Sun, a “Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid said it was carrying the pictures in today's edition so the millions of people who get their news in print or have no internet access could ''take a full part in that national conversation''.
It appears ironic that almost 15 years ago Prince Harry’s mother, Princess Diana, was as much covered in the news and part of a “national conversation” as Harry is today.

'Diana' movie:

 Production started a month ago in Trieste, north Italy, which is being used for the Paris scenes. When Watts and Cas Anvar — who is playing Dodi Fayed — are seen arriving at The Ritz, it will actually be Trieste’s historic Palazzo Stratti building, now the offices of an insurance company.

Sources connected with the film say that it centres on Diana’s two-year romance with the surgeon she called Mr Wonderful — Dr Hasnat Khan. Her fatal car crash in the Pont D’Alma tunnel is not being recreated, as it is not the focus of the movie.

But the scenes of the Princess in the hours just before her death in August 1997 reveal how much effort Ecosse Films has gone to in ensuring that Watts, 43, is a credible Diana.
As well as the film-makers recreating her wardrobe and bouffant hair, the actress has acquired many of Diana’s mannerisms, following a programme of studying her body language.


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"Samsung faces US ban" on Galaxy smartphone, tablets after Apple victory


Apple, victorious in its US legal action against the South Korean phone and tablet computer maker, announced after the trial that it planned to lodge an injunction against Samsung selling its devices in the US within the next seven days.


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