Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sunday, January 04, 2009


Let me present LEONA LEWIS !

Leona Lewis la quan quan cua cuoc thi X-Factor nam 2006 (1 show tuong tu nhu American Idol) , la nguoi so huu 1 giong hat tuyet voi voi am vuc rong , day va rat am & co duoc xem nhu hinh anh thoi tre cua Mariah Carey (chu cai ba nay bay gio thi gum chet !) . Qua cuoc thi X-Factor , Leona da thuc su chinh phuc moi nguoi bang tai nang cua minh qua hang loat hit kho xoi cua cac diva nhu I will always love you , I have nothing , All by myself , Summertime , Lady Marmalade ... Tuy chien thang vao nam 2006 nhung mai den nam 2007 Leona moi phat hanh album dau tay cua minh voi tua "Spirit" tai que nha UK . Hit dau tien "Bleeding Love" da dem ve cho Leona nhung thanh cong to lon , va cung nho single nay , Leona da tro thanh nghe si Anh dau tien sau 27 nam dat thu hang cao nhat trong top 100 Single cua bang xep hang My . Sap toi day , Leona se release album Spirit tai thi truong US , hy vong co se gat hai duoc nhiu thanh cong hon nua vi co la 1 divas tre day tiem nang thuc su .
Truoc do Leona da thu am 1 album nhung ko release de co the tham gia cuoc thi , sau nay album da bi leak , day la 1 album voi nhiu ban up tempo voi cac dong nhac nhu classic R&B , Urban & Dance... cung kha kul ten la Best Kept Secret , 1 album mang mau sac gan nhu khac hoan toan so voi Spirit


2) Dip Down featuring Loot

4) Private Party featuring Robert Allen

5) Joy

6) Bad Boy featuring K2 Famil

11) Private Party (Cover Boys remix)

12) Private Party (Juan Mendez remix)

13) Dip Down (Troy Taylor Remix)

Link (Rapidshare): Leona Lewis - Best Kept Secret (Part 1)
Link (Rapidshare): Leona Lewis - Best Kept Secret (Part 2)
Link 1
Link 2
(from Evy's Blog)

Sau cuoc thi Leona da duoc phat hanh ngay single ra mat tu X-Factor 06 , do chinh la ban cover lai A moment like this cua Kelly Clarkson (hay hon lun)
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Tracklist :
1. Bleeding Love
2. Whatever It Takes
3. Homeless
4. Better In Time
5. Yesterday
6. Take A Bow
7. I Will Be
8. Angel
9. Here I Am
10. I’m You
11. The Best You Never Had
12. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
13. Footprints In The Sand
14. A Moment Like This [UK Bonus Track]

Download :
Spirit (US Edition Retail + Bonus)Image

1.Bleeding Love
2.Better In Time
3.I Will Be
4.I'm You
5.Forgive Me
6.Misses Glass
8.The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face
10.Whatever It Takes
11.Take A Bow
12.Footprints In The Sand
13.Here I Am [Bonus]
14.The Best You Never Had [Bonus]
15.You Bring Me Down [Bonus]
16.Forgiveness [Bonus]
17.Homeless [Bonus]
18.A Moment Like This [Bonus]

p/s: nên down link 1 nhanh hơn nhìu.

Single Bleeding Love phat hanh o ca 2 thi truong US va UK nen co toi 2 phien ban
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