Thursday, March 13, 2025

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Yellow Rose

Symbolism of Yellow Rose
Yellow Rose was chosen as the official flower for Friendship Day festival because it symbolizes joy, friendship, delight, promise of a new beginning, "remember me", and "I care". Florists say, a yellow rose with red tip stands for friendship and falling in love.

Tradition of Gifting Yellow Rose on Friendship Day
Popularity of yellow rose as a Friendship Day flower has grown up tremendously over the years. Every year on Friendship Day florists do extensive marketing for the promotion of Yellow Rose as a friendship flower. The idea seems to have caught up with youth as they exchange bouquets of Yellow Roses with all their friends. Tradition of exchanging single buds of yellow rose is also quite popular amongst youth across the world. No wonder, price of yellow rose escalates sharply on Friendship Day.

In the present technologically advanced age, people find it convenient to order flowers online especially for friends staying in other cities.

Origin of Yellow Roses
It is said that yellow wild roses were discovered growing in the Middle East somewhere in the 18th Century. These wild roses from Afghanistan and Southwest Asia blossomed in colors from pale yellow to deep sulphur. When these pretty looking yellow roses were brought back to Europe they caused a sensation. Soon they were planted and the first attempts at hybridization with yellow roses took place. However, The yellow rose species were not capable of resistance to a dreadful fungal disease called blackspot. Besides, some of them emitted a very foul scent. But with time and patience, the hybridizes began turning out some lovely creations. Today, Yellow roses have come a long way since that first introduction. They demonstrate tremendous vigor both as shrubs and climbers and come in a variety of flower form from single to densely petal packed doubles in many glorious shades of pale lemon creams, deep golds, true yellows, buff yellows, peach yellows and coppery yellows. In addition, the rather undesirable scent characteristics prevalent in the original species roses have been bred out and replaced by more pleasing perfumes!


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